Who The Lumps?

Who are THE LUMPS?
The Lumps started in the summer of 2010 in sunny San Diego, CA when Mel "MELICIOUS" LaFara and Jeff "JAGGED" Raddatz began four tracking some of their lumpy concept.  Drawing inspiration from bands such as Dead Moon, Red Kross, and The Spits (to name a few) they wanted to create a punk-n-roll sound that ensued a "good time."  After several attempts to find a drummer, in December of 2010 they found what they were looking for right across the street at the Space House (a place which gave birth to many bands including JOY, Space Nature, Roach Spit, Psicomagia, and Shaking Pyramid).  Christian "CREECH" Trzcinski joined the band soon after and they started playing shows as soon as January 2011.  Appealing to the skate rock crowd, they have played with contemporaries such as The Spits, The Dickies, The Coathangers, No Bunny, The Widows, Spider Fever, JOY, Jungle Fever, Cheap Time, The Babies and The Stitches to name a few.  Debut album is slated to be in the Fall 2013.